2023 YAMAHA YZ450FX Dirtbike


5 250,00 €

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REARWARD-SLANTED CYLINDER DESIGN: The YZ450FX’s distinct rearward-slanted cylinder design—complete with rear exhaust and forward-mounted down-draft intake system—features a cylinder head that works with the frame geometry for optimized weight distribution. Internally, the engine features a straight intake tract, aggressive cam profiles, a high-compression “box bridge” piston design with DLC-coated piston pin and more. Finally, the YZ450FX features specific ECU settings to suit the needs of cross country riders.

INNOVATIVE YAMAHA POWER TUNER APP: The free-of-charge Yamaha Power Tuner App brings the power of the GYTR Power Tuner to your iOS or Android device. Using wireless connectivity to talk to the bike’s onboard CAN-bus network, the app allows owners to adjust air/fuel mixture and ignition timing maps to tune engine performance for track conditions, record race log information and monitor a range of data such as maintenance and system diagnosis, engine run time and more.

New Motocross and Dirtbike Motorcycles

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